Honorable Congresswoman Anna Eshoo visits Moffett Field

Retiring Congresswoman Anna Eshoo came to the 129th Rescue Wing base at Moffett Field on May 20, 2024. It was a reception for local High School graduates who were selected to attend one of the military service academies. She recommended them based on their demonstrated outstanding traits of leadership, academics and athletics.

15 Students were selected: Six to West Point, Four to Annapolis, and Five to the Air Force Academy. In a special ceremony on the flight line tarmac, an HH-60G helicopter was named “The Honorable Anna” in gratitude for her support of the 129th. Colonel, Vick Teal commander of 129th Rescue presided over Aircraft naming ceremony.

The event was well attended by 100+ family, friends and several senior military officers. Major General Steven Butow, Commander of the California Air National Guard, gave the keynote speech. The Silicon Valley Chapter of MOAA was represented by Col Ray Watts, USA (ret) and Captain Ricky Deutsch (fmr USAF).

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